Setting off on your next adventure?
Are you a world-class packing procrastinator? A ‘throw-everything in’ traveller? Or an ‘I don’t know what to pack so I pack the wrong stuff and now I have no clothes.. or food’.. voyager?
Don’t worry, we’ve all been there: hauling WAY too much stuff away with us, only to realise a day or two into our camping holiday that we won’t need half of it, and what we do need.. we left behind.. So, to save your spine (and your sanity), here are some simple tips on how to travel light – you’ll thank us later.
1. Don’t Pack Last Minute
Seriously! When we pack at the last minute, we’re likely to pack more than we need because we’re not taking the time to think about it. Start packing, or at least thinking about what you might need, a few days before leaving. If you don’t want your holiday to turn into a screaming-fest of overstuffed backpacks, sluggish hikes and unnecessary expenses (like having to buy an entire new tub of margarine even though you just bought a new one back at home) make sure you pack these essential items:- Food
- Start thinking about the quantities of food you may need, what sort of facilities will be available to you, if the food requires refrigeration or if it spoils easily. You may want to reconsider some of the more delicate options, unless they will be consumed early in the trip.
- First Aid (including bug repellant)
- Very important! You never know when you need it and if you forget it, you’ll wish you didn’t!
- Toys, books, boardgames or other technology-free entertainment options
- Think about bringing something to entertain everyone – If you’re going camping, you’ll probably be spending some close-quarters time with your companions. Avoid arguments where possible!
- Clothes
- Yes, really! but actually consider what you really NEED. You’re probably not going to need high heals and a sparkly party dress if you’re going camping with the family
- Bedding
- Relaxation is often the reason behind a holiday or camping trip, so it makes sense to ensure your night will be a comfortable one
- Empty Zip-lock Bags
- Avoid losing little bits and pieces, save left over food, store spices, ropes, toiletries, etc, or stop your toothbrush becoming a furry petrie-dish of other people’s hair and germs… Zip-lock bags are always a good idea!
- Batteries of various sizes
- Ensure you’re always prepared! Also great to use as a bargaining tool: “I’ll give you my spare battery if you give me that big fish you caught this morning..”
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